That first semester I failed BIO 1010. Oh, my mother of God - I was bummed. So I took it again. FAILED a second time. So my third semester I took it off campus at an extension center and passed that shit. I passed that shit with a does a person fail 2 times and then pass with a B? Was it just that the information was building up? In my opinion, nope. It was a smaller class size (450 ppl or 35? Hmmm) with someone that spoke English as a first language. With that out of the way came BIO 1020, which I took with the same teacher and did great.
At that time I was working as a pharmacy tech at our local drug store and loving it. The pharmacists talked me into switching my major talking about all the money I would make. Then I had CHM 1030. That just sucked. BIG TIME. Let's just say mathematics isn't my thing and I had to take a lab with each math class in college. So, I knew this was not something that I was going to be able to finish.
By the time I realized this it was 2001 and I felt lost and bummed. I just got a job working for the Taylor School District as a teaching assistant and I LOVED what I was doing. I really saw my hard work pay off with these amazing 1st - 3rd graders that I worked with. Once again, I switched majors. I think at this point my mom and dad didn't care what I did, just as long as I graduated and got the hell out of their With 2 years wasted, I started the long haul through the college of education. Which is four years and a year of student teaching. I graduated with my bachelor degree in Aug. 2006. I started working that very next month! I loved it and knew that the Lord had guided me into the right career.
In Sept. 2006 as I was starting my first year teaching, I also started grad school. I went part time (4 credit hours) year round. My major was Early Childhood, since I LOVE the babies. (Obviously, since I would be a Duggar if I could.) I worked on that part-time for about a year and a half. In this time I had switched jobs (more pay by 10K) and was in need of some special education training, since our school had a sucky special ed program. It was non-exisistent, at least for early elementary it was and it was shabby for the upper elementary....charter schools - gotta love em'. I switched my major to learning disabilities and figured I could just get my ZA (early childhood) certification along with my masters. I was on a great path! Then came the course that everyone takes in autism. Holy Moses - I fell in love. So...I switched my major again. With the plan to get my ZA & LD (learning disabilities) certification on my teaching license and my masters in autism (AI).
As of May 2013, I will be a graduate of Madonna University. I will have my masters in AI and I have 2 classes to finish to get my ZA certification and 2 for my LD certification. It's been a long time coming. I love going to school. I don't love paying for school (which should kick in soon) but I would go to school and get as many degrees as possible if they would let me. Well - if I could afford it.
I have switched my major 6 times. 6 times people. How crazy is that. Once I changed it the third time I did stay in the same field, but still drifted from one side to the other. I think that it was just because I have always wanted to help people. Now, I am not using any of this 100K+ education for income purposes. I have been fortunate enough to be able to stay at home with my girls for the last 2 years. Believe me I am putting all of that education (even the vet & pharmacology into good use!) You see, school doesn't just teach you the skills you need for a career. I learned a lot from those 2 'wasted' years of college. I know to NEVER mix bleach with ammonia - because of the fumes. I know the conversions for ounces to cups and ML to teaspoons - tablespoons. Bio 1010 - Dolphins and Pigs are 2 animals that have sex for pleasure...yes- that is what I remember.
I have learned so many great things over the years. I know that school is not for everyone. I understand that however...
Knowledge is power.
It has the ability to take you anywhere.