Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It is so past my bedtime

Here at Angel land - everyone is sleeping except for Rascal (who is pacing through the house; looking for food that the girls have dropped, I'm sure) and I. It amazes me how 9:17 pm can feel like midnight. 

I have one day of summer school left to teach. Which really won't be teaching because I plan to let them do activities they want (probably mostly listening to music and sleeping) and then having a big food blow out. My students love to eat...and they can pack it away! I did meet some really amazing people through this program and I am hoping to build a long lasting friendship with the employees at LP. I can't tell you how much money my para professionals should be making because it wouldn't be enough for all they do. I was completely blessed to have them this summer. I would have probably quit after the first two days. No, scratch that - I WOULD have quit after the first 2 days. My coop teacher was great to, she was super laid back and gave me suggestions with out making me feel like a dumb ass and listened to me rank about my kids and lack of sleep. She's a mommy of a one year old too - so she knows how it is! I have really learned a lot from this summer program and I would love love love to work with either the babies or older kids when I am ready to go back to work full time. 

I have, however, felt like I have been totally detached from all of my friends and family since I have been teaching this summer. I really couldn't see going back to work full time. When would I have time to breath? I think that moms or even dads that work full time and devote themselves completely to more then one kid are AMAZING! I mean - it's hard with one kid but multiple kids and working full time is just complete chaos! I would seriously never see them. And my house would be a total fraking disaster area. It should probably be quarantined and tented for bugs with the lack of clean, laundry, and cooking that hasn't happened in this house in the past 6 weeks. I have seriously just done enough to make sure we have clean clothes, towels, dishes, and butts.
(I seriously just dicked around with the font and now I don't know how to get it back to normal...sorry guys!)
So, my house is amazingly crusty - there are dirty clothes piled so high in the basement I dread going down there because there isn't enough water in Brownstown Twp to clean all that shit, let enough time in the world...we have those fancy dancy new front load washers...they are nice when my lazy ass doesn't want to bend over to pull the clothes out but it takes 51 minutes to wash one load of clothes...really?! Who has that long?! I have 2 kids that burn through clothes like they are in a photo shoot 24/7. And that shit is just going to get worse as they get older. I am going to have to implement some rules around here about changing clothes and wearing jeans more then once if they are stain free.
(Fixed the font; I almost spelt it phont...that's how tired I am!)

Besides living in a filthy house and eating out all the time - life has really been crazy but I have like it. I liked getting back out into the world of the living. Meeting other professionals (yes, I can be professional...for a certain amount of time) and learning new things. I am really struggling to keep my lids open people...I will talk at you another day! Until then...


  1. all i can say! you are busy!

    i like the new template!!!
